The Nile being such an old and majestic river contains within itself a lot of mysteries and views that are beyond expectations and imagination. Many structures decorate the flow of the flowing garden. But some of them stand out tall. One of them is the Colossi of Memnon.
Standing for the last 3,400 years, the two massive stones have served tourists since the time it was discovered. Built in honour of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Colossi of Memnon – located in the modern city of Luxor beside the river Nile – stands for bravery, resoluteness and pride.
Structure Of The Statues-
- The statues got its name from a Trojan war hero, Memnon, who led his army from Africa into modern Turkey to help defend the city from the onslaught of Achilles. Though he was killed, his pride and bravery were honoured.
- The statues show Amenhotep in a seated position, his hands on his knees, facing eastwards towards the river – capturing the thought that he was the ruler of the east. The two figures are accompanied by two shorter figures which are carved on the front throne. These figures are that of his wife, Tiy, and mother, Mutemwiya.
Historical Significance-
- The statues were originally meant to serve as guards at the entrance of Amenhotep’s memorial temple which in its time was the largest temple complex in Egypt, even bigger than Rameses’ Temple or the Temple of Karnak. Now, most the temple has been washed away by the floods of the Nile with the exception of the two determined statues. One of the figures is carved out from a single rock while the other consists of five tiers of stones.
- What attracts people most to the statues is the occurrence of a rare ‘sound’ from the northern statue.
Present Condition Of The Statues-
- The statue was shattered after an earthquake and following the events, the statue seems to “sing” on occasion usually during dawn. Many people have confirmed the sounds coming from the statues. But none have been able to clearly give the correct reason to it.
- A mystery long plaguing generations after generations, the statue has been a subject of discussion amongst tourists and researchers alike.
With such mystery and beauty attached to it, the Colossi of Memnon is a great experience, usually with friends. A quiet, mysterious place with the majestic view of the Nile and flower gardens parallel to the statues, the statues are well placed within the memories of the visitors. For your unforgettable trip to this historical site visit our @ Nile Holiday.